Here at HK Weightlifting Federation, we want to support and invest in the next generation of weightlifters. By providing scholarships, we believe we can make weightlifting more accessible to everyone, especially younger lifters.
Depending on your talent, goals, and financial needs, we offer support to Hong Kong residents under 18 years old, starting with basic training classes. During our classes, you will learn how to lift safely and correctly, with qualified coaches. For those who learn and improve quickly from our lessons, we offer complete support, including helping you pay for your gym membership and full travel costs for future competitions. Please contact us for more information; the earlier you start, the more potential you'll have to become a future Olympian.
What's in the scholarship?
We give out the following resources according to different needs:
Weightlifting Equipment (Shoes, plates, platforms, straps, etc).
Subsidized gym memberships
Weightlifting lessons by qualified coaches (both male and female)
Competition reimbursements (fees, traveling, and food)
... and much more